LUCY (2014)
Release Date: July 25, 2014
Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Min-sik Choi, Amr Waked
Director: Luc Besson
Studio: EuropaCorp, TF1 Films Production
Distributor: Universal Pictures
Genre(s): Action, Sci-Fi
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
Review Spoilers: Low
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This movie cray. Pop an ectasy pill or acid and go watch it…that’s it. By the time this movie is done you’ll be using 0% of your brain. This movie will have people watching it because A) Morgan Freeman’s voice and B) Scar Jo’s body, that’s it. Simple as that. I really wanted to give this movie a chance, seriously, I did. I’m very lenient when it comes to movies (look at my past reviews…I’m not that critical). Lucy though…oh Lucy. I can only suspend disbelief for so long.
Lucy never learns anything, she just conveniently knows it all. She doesn’t learn a language because once she looks at it it automatically translates. There is no character development. Freeman’s character is just a researcher that theorizes what happens when humans use over 10% of their brain and is there to be background noise. Lucy drags around a police officer for no particular reason other than a very unromantic awkward kiss. All characters are one dimensional. The biggest thing this movie has going for it are the visuals. It reminds me of Cosmos because of all the space, stars, galaxies, and the universe. There are nice cut scenes of animals mating and hunting (that’s the only romance in the whole movie). Eventually by 90% Lucy can travel all the way back to the Big Bang. A supposed hormone that makes babies grow bones can make you TRAVEL THROUGH TIME….and BEND the laws of physics.
Thanks for the review. I’m seeing it this weekend, but I appreciate having my expectations dropped. I was already feeling wary about it, because of the racism (white girl attacked and pursued by one-dimensional villainous brown men), so now I’ll just have to see if there’s anything to make it worth my ticket. Good thing my friend and I are planning to have a shot of tequila before hand. *sigh*
You might want to make it 3 shots.
Hah! Thanks. I may just do that. 😉
This plot had potential but alas after reading this review I think I may pass now. It is a shame that Hollywood is dropping the ball on so many films.
I wish they would have explained things. Where did the drug come from? How does it work exactly? It’s a little bit of a spoiler but the mafia that captured Lucy set her in front of a druggie who snorted some of the stuff, but all he did was laugh like a lunatic. If he had some sort of brain opening experience, it might have been a little more believable.
I agree. You would also think there would be some learning curve as she gets her abilities.
Damn. My boyfriend is so keen on this and now I am worried it’s going to be ridiculous.
Oh it was ridiculous. Honestly, it would have been great but they tried too hard to push the 10% brain thing, the movie revolved around this entire “fact” and it’s the selling point. Ultimately, it ruined it completely.
I actually thought it was pretty entertaining. People are talking about, why would the producer make a movie based off a false theory…and its because.. well..its a movie. Who cares? Does every movie have to be factual?No…because then they would be documentries. The producer himself said that he knows its just a myth. http://www.vulture.com/2014/07/luc-besson-director-lucy-chat.html
There needed to be more explanation. What bothered me was how come the guy that snorted it in the beginning didn’t have some miraculous change…he just had a laughing fit. Why was Lucy special? Was it the dosage amount? How was it synthesized? Why was that even made into a street drug? There were just too many questions in the movie that didn’t have answers. It was basically like….this is it, believe.
Yeah..I can agree with you on those points..
I did the math the other day. Say someone told you they could only use 10% of their brain. To converse with you, remember this popular factoid and to think about it would take up about 10% of the brain. These require the same parts you use to move and learn,.but it would mean they definitely don’t feel emotions, have no survival instincts and are blind. They may or may not be sociopaths. Empathy is a funny issue in neuroscience.