Synopsis: Liv spends her time monitoring Major for signs of infidelity because she’s on megajealous stalker brains. In the meantime, Max Rager starts perfecting their latest product, Supermax. Rating: ★★★★★ Apparently all we need are a scoop of stalker ex-girlfriend brains to make this show palatable again! The murder-du-jour is […]
iZombie: Abra Cadaver Recap
Synopsis: Liv eats magician brains – er – goth, death-transfixed magician brains! Blaine asks Liv for her help in figuring out what the FBI agent knows about the deaths of several prominent zoms on his customer list. Rating: ★★★★★ This episode was magical. And not just because Liv ate magician […]
The Vampire Diaries: Best Served Cold Recap
Synopsis: Yeah so Caroline is pregnant with Ric’s witchspawn and apparently nothing really mattered these past 6 seasons in terms of relationship continuity. Oh, and Lily throws a party. Rating: ????? I keep restarting this recap because all I can write are rants filled with curse words in SHOUTY CAPITALS. […]
iZombie: Max Wager Recap
Synopsis: In the conclusion from last week’s murder, the gambler is set to testify against the company fixer. Well, until he’s gunned down on the courthouse steps. In the meantime, things between Major and Liv are heating up. Rating: ????? Wow, so that all happened pretty quickly. Apparently all it takes […]
The Vampire Diaries: Live Through This Recap
Synopsis: Stefan, Damon, and Valerie go on a trip to find and kill Julian, while Bonnie and Enzo discover the secret of the Phoenix Stone. Rating: ★★★★☆ So that was pretty much the best flash forward ever. Three years from now, Bonnie’s checked herself into some sort of rehab facility. […]
iZombie: Love & Basketball Recap
Synopsis: Liv eats basketball coach brains and ends up working through a lot of her problems with Major. In the meantime, Ravi discovers an anti-zombie serum and Suzuki’s wife brings a sample of frozen brain to Babineau. Rating: ★★★★★ The episode picks up right where it left off last week: […]
iZombie: Even Cowgirls Get the Black & Blues Recap
Synopsis: Liv’s on country-singer cowgirl brains this week. Between bouts of singing the blues and spilling her heart to Major, she and Peyton become besties again and the FBI comes to town to investigate the rich zombies Major assassinated. Rating: ★★★★☆ Welcome back to iZombie, where apparently the writers finally […]
iZombie: Real Dead Housewife of Seattle
Synopsis: The case-of-the-week covers the death of a wealthy housewife in Seattle, so Liv’s brains are more focused on fashion than on the murder. Partly because it’s her birthday, and none of her friends are available to hang out with her. In other news, Major still works for Max Rager […]
“Vixen” is a Bold First Step for The CW
For better or worse, the CW’s Arrow and Flash have codified the language of superheroes on TV. They’ve set the format, the way the origin story is told and the tone these shows use. In a lot of ways, that is a tone that appeals to an audience in its late teens and up, […]
Nerdophiles Catch Up With… The Vampire Diaries
I swear that I will marry the person who makes a CliffNotes version of the nonsense on this show because these season catch ups are brutal and I selectively repressed most of last season’s convoluted mythology culminating in Elena’s unceremonious departure. It’s a glorious trainwreck and I can’t look away. […]