Another Super Bowl has come and gone. The Seahawks completely pummeled the Broncos and Bruno Mars rocked it out at halftime. However, if you’re like us, you were probably in it for the commercials too. There were some weird ones this year (WHY WAS BOB DYLAN SELLING ME A CHRYSLER?), but there were some golden ones in the bunch that made us here over at Nerdophiles grin from ear to ear. You can find all of the ads on youTube’s AdBlitz.

I was so psyched that GoldieBlox won Intuit’s Small Business Big Game contest. Probably because I voted for them every day the contest ran. The small toy company from California was started by engineer Debbie Sterling with the objective of “disrupting the pink aisle” by creating builder toys aimed at girls to get them interested in building. The ad definitely displayed that objective, with young girls running out into the streets with their gendered toys and creating a rocket from them. You better believe I clapped when the commercial ran. Also, for Bravest Warriors fans, doesn’t that voice at the end sound a LOT like Catbug?
Cheerios – “Gracie”

In the most glorious bit of revenge advertising I’ve ever seen, Cheerios followed up their adorable “Just Checking” ad from last year that angered racists for featuring an interracial family with an ad featuring the same family. Guess what? They’re expecting another kid in this commercial and Gracie leverages her way into getting a puppy too. If the cuteness wasn’t already the perfect sweetener for your Cheerios, the racist tears sure will be.
Maserati – “Strike”

This commercial is kind of the perfect example of Lewis Black’s bit on Super Bowl commercials, but I don’t care because Academy Award-nominated actress Quvenzhané Wallis acts the hell out it. I think her speech about working hard and striking when giants are sleeping is going to be my new motivator to get me out of bed in the morning.
Toyota – “No Room for Boring”

If anyone reads my Brooklyn Nine-Nine recaps, you know how much I love Terry Crews. I also love the hell out of the Muppets. Basically, this commercial was made just to make me happy. And it does. Not just for The Electric Mayhem being awesome, but for just how damn happy Terry looks at the end.
Kia – “The Truth”

I thought this commercial was going to be another Matrix tribute/referencefest, but the twist in the middle had me rolling. Gods bless you, Lawrence Fishburne.
H&M – “David Beckham”

Co-Founding Editor
I 100% watched this ad for David Beckham. Like, there was no other reason for me to watch it. My little soccer loving heart was pitter pattering to the sight of this man’s abs. However, did anyone notice that this was also… kind of an ad for how cheap the material is? I don’t know about you, but if my underwear hooked on something, I would notice and just slow my roll to unhook it. Maybe Beckham’s just too much in a rush for that.
Jaguar – “Good To Be Bad”

Co-Founding Editor
I know I sound like a horny 21-year-old, but I definitely sought this commercial out because of the talent. I mean, come on, Mark Strong, Ben Kingsley, and Tom Hiddleston? Be still, my loins. Also did I miss something, or did Jaguar start making helicopters? Who even cares at this point? Don’t miss out on the mini commercials the trio filmed as well. Here, here, and here.
Budweiser – “Puppy Love”

Co-Founding Editor
This was easily my favorite commercial of the entire damn Super Bowel. It was so adorable. That puppy and that Clydesdale. The love. The adorableness. The way all the horses teamed up to bring their puppy home. Tears. I just wish they hadn’t put this ad at the end of the game because seriously. No one was watching by that point.
Coca-Cola – “It’s Beautiful”

Co-Founding Editor
Another tear inducing commercial that proves that Coca-Cola will always know how to get me right in the #feels. The second the vocals switched from English to Spanish I could just feel my heart swell with pride and patriotism and AMERICA. Haters are going to hate but every single one of those vocalists contributed to a commercial that really shows the true depth and composition of our great nation. I can’t believe the backlash but whatever. Coke wins all the gold stars for this one.
Doritos – “Time Machine”

Co-Founding Editor
I’ve been promoting this add on Nerdophiles since the Doritos advert competition finalists were announced. The guy who created this one is from Phoenix and since Therese is from Phoenix and I go to school there we’ve got a whole lot of hometown pride. And that’s his actual kid in the ad, too!
Chevrolet – “Life”

Co-Founding Editor
What is with the tear inducing advertisements this year? Seriously, the second this one started I knew what it was about and I could feel the tears welling up. Gorgeous tribute to cancer survivors.
Microsoft – “Empowering”

Co-Founding Editor
Nothing could make me want a Xbox One and Kinect more than this advert. All of the science and technology and awesomeness in this ad was almost overwhelming. I love montage pieces. I do. I don’t know why. But anything with inspiration clips and just science and people changing the world and ugh. I can’t even with this ad. It makes me wish I were some kind of bad ass engineer or scientists or astronaut or something and not a law student because I COULD BE CHANGING THE WORLD. Microsoft said so.