Synopsis of 2×05: An enormous floating head appears orbiting Earth, causing natural disasters. While the townspeople begin to worship the head, Rick performs music for it and inadvertently enters Earth into an intergalactic talent show.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Rick and Morty is a show decisively written with a central understanding of the way that most television writing works, which means they have and embrace the opportunity to subvert those expectations. On a surface level, they do this by tossing out ideas so completely wacky that no other show would dare to introduce them, let alone totally pull them off.
“Get Schwifty” begins with an enormous yellow head levitating close enough to Earth to throw off its gravitational balance, causing myriad natural disasters and threatening to destroy the world entirely, all while yelling to Earth “SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT.” It’s certainly enough of a premise to support a full episode, especially when Rick tries to satisfy it by singing a song about “getting schwifty,” which apparently means shitting on the floor. So it’s a surprise when the song actually does work, and then an even bigger one when the head transports Earth to another dimension so it can compete in an American Idol-style talent contest.
Meanwhile, when the head first appears, Summer, Beth and Jerry initially turn to religion for salvation. When Earth is transported to the new dimension surrounded by hundreds of giant floating heads, they and the rest of the townspeople immediately start worshiping them as Gods. The shift actually transforms Summer into a pious, wholesome and hardworking girl, but it also concerns Beth and Jerry that she’s no longer really Summer. Even when the new religious leaders offer them high-end positions in their new utopia, they turn them down in favor of their marriage and their family, and ultimately the religion collapses as soon as Earth returns to its normal place in the galaxy.
After flying away during the practice sessions, he reappears during the climax to save Earth from destruction, and having demonstrated the ability to care about anything, he returns to his homeland to be transformed back into his original form, Water-T. Then a rival race of number aliens attacks, prompting Water-T to pull out a pair of pistols and say, “I better crunch the numbers” before the screen reads “This summer: Water-T and the Rise of the Numbericons.” All of this actually happens.
Additionally, why do the heads suddenly decide to eternally end their competition after Rick’s performance when they’ve been repeating it annually for nearly a thousand years? And what exactly is the religion subplot trying to say? It’s hard to come up with an explanation that isn’t intensely nihilistic and even rather ignorant to the way that religious people see the world.
Still, the humorous moments largely make up for this: for instance, when Rick tells Morty that they’re going to the Pentagon, then adds, “Well, not THE Pentagon, the lame one, on Earth.” It adds up to a solid episode overall, and yet still probably the weakest episode in the show’s history thus far, which only goes to show how goddamn excellent it usually is.