Release Date: May 22, 2015
Cast: George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Britt Robertson, Raffey Cassidy, Tim McGraw, Kathryn Hahn, Keegan-Michael Key
Director: Brad Bird
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Distributor: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Genre: Science-Fiction, Adventure
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Review Spoilers: Light
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While not lacking in heart and soul, Tomorrowland was lacking something.
While Brad Bird’s inspirational story will be sure to stick with some younger viewers, the film oversold itself with a title like Tomorrowland. Trailers and promotions sold the film to be nothing short of a fantastical adventure into a living breathing version of Disney’s Tomorrowland theme park, however the delivery left much to be desired. Watching the film, I constantly felt like I was waiting for us to be transported into a world that Britt Robertson’s Casey only glimpses at.
Animated films like Up, Toy Story 3, and Frozen manage to appeal not only to a younger generation, but also the general audience of all ages with a heart-warming tale and a positive message. In comparison to its animated family, Tomorrowland lacks.
George Clooney’s Frank Walker, a grizzled pessimist, brings some gravitas to an otherwise light film, as does Hugh Laurie’s David Nix. Robertson’s Casey Newton bears an incredibly suffocating amount of optimism, and often challenged my belief of her brilliance when she seemed to repeatedly make the most basic of mistakes. Newcomer Raffey Cassidy does manage to shine through as Athena, and her chemistry with Clooney manages to exude from their scenes together.
Final Thoughts: While entertaining in some aspects, Tomorrowland falls flat in promising what it’s advertising, feeling more like concept art before a final film. Overflowing with optimism, it fails to feel genuine. The cast give their best, but this is not a film I would watch again.
I Think The director/producers fed the wrong Wolf