The first trailer for The Force Awakens may have focused primarily on newer characters like Finn and Rey but this time around we’re going old school. Filled with innumerable nods to the original trilogy, this trailer focuses primarily on the old trio with Luke providing a voice over and Chewie and Han showing up at the end. This trailer reminds us more than anything else that The Force Awakens really is taking us home – home to a galaxy far, far away that’s much more reminiscent of the one we left behind back in 1983.

Honestly, I’ve watched this trailer about twenty times now and the dumb smile on my face never goes away. I feel like whooping like Poe Dameron every single time. I can’t even express in words what it felt like to hear Luke, to see Vader’s smoldering helmet, or to have Chewie and Han show up at the end for the first time.

Christmas really can’t get here soon enough.

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