Person of Interest: Wingman Recap

[youtube=] Person of Interest: Wingman (4×03) Synopsis: Fusco gets caught up helping a professional wingman while Reese stays at work and attempts to impress the captain. Meanwhile, Shaw continues to be a badass and helps the boys while Root and Finch go on a mission of their own. Rating: ★★★★★ This week’s […]

Sleepy Hollow: Root of All Evil Recap

[youtube=] Sleepy Hollow: Root of All Evil (2×03) Synopsis: When an old coin starts turning people to darkness, Abbie and Ichabod race to find it. Although they receive help from newcomer privateer, Nick Hawley, the coin soon strikes those closest to them. Meanwhile, Irving discovers the truth about Henry. Rating: ★★★☆☆ Ichabod and Abbie attempt to […]

Gotham: The Balloonman Recap

[youtube=] Gotham: The Balloonman (1×03) Synopsis: A vigilante in Gotham City decides to go around tying bad guys – including a dirty cop – to weather balloons. Meanwhile word of Jim’s supposed murder of Oswald Cobblepott has gotten around and Montoya and Allen start to come down on him and his hard. But […]

Scorpion: A Cyclone Recap

[youtube=] Scorpion: A Cyclone (1×03) Synopsis: A terrorist knocks out the internet in the southwest United States, and the team investigates the problem. Rating: ★★☆☆☆ It’s really hard to take this show seriously every week I watch it. Not only is it filled with semi-serious one liners delivered by Elyse Gabel, […]

Knuckies: A Product Review

[youtube=] This set of Knuckies were provided to Nerdophiles for review purposes only. What are these Knuckies? Well according to their card, They’re spinny-majiggy, grippy-mabob, standy-macaw phone handles that stop whoopsie-dropsies and slippy-flopsies. And I would say that’s pretty damn accurate. They sound like the product that I might need […]