Back during SDCC 2013 I pre-ordered Watch_Dogs and waited eagerly for it to release. To my dismay, the release date was pushed back. I was sad at the time but I rather the dev team work out all the bugs and give us a great game than a rushed to release crap game. So…I waited. My pre-order was cancelled and I still haven’t pre-ordered it yet. I don’t know which one to get….like seriously. There are so many different packs and what not, I’d love to get them all but I don’t have that kind of dough. Well…I could but we’ll get to that. Here are all the bonuses that are offered for the different Watch_Dogs pre orders.

Watch_Dogs Limited Edition ($129.99)
If you have cash burning a hole in your pocket or just love exclusive items then this is the pack for you. You get a 9″ figurine of Aiden Pearce, a vigilante mask, a steelbook case, the OST, a collector’s box, the game, and an art book. Is it worth $130? Eeeehhh….I mean the mask is really cool and so is the SteelBook case, but I don’t know if I’d pay this kind of money. I would like some more in this pack.

Watch_Dogs Playstation Exclusive ($59.99)
UbiSoft loves PlayStation (all the extra bonus play in the Assassin’s Creed games for example) and they make no exception here. You get extra missions, additional gameplay, and a exclusive white hacker outfit, along with an extra battery pack so you can hack twice as long. This sounds like a great bang for your buck and for console, this is the one to get. If you have an XBox…no such luck.

Watch_Dogs GameStop ($59.99)
The pre-order at GameStop will get you The_Palace_Pack which includes an exclusive single-player mission, cool investigation opportunities, and an ATM hack boost which gets you more money. The extra money will come in handy because it’ll get you more things throughout the city and being a better investigator will help you solve all the problems that arise.

Watch_Dogs Amazon ($59.99)
The pre-order at Amazon gets you the Signatures_Shot_Pack which includes an exclusive single-player mission, a black viceroys outfit (which looks wicked cool by the way), and a biometric assault rifle (which also sounds kick ass). So not only will you look like a bad ass you get a rifle that only works with your body, so no one else can use it. This will save your life say if you get into a scuffle and someone tries to use your gun but can’t.

Watch_Dogs Best Buy ($59.99)
The pre-order at Best Buy will get you the Breakthrough_Pack which includes an exclusive single-player mission and cars. You get free cars and special discounts on other cars. If you love your cars this is the one to get. If you want to cruise around the city like GTA and shooting up people or getting away from people, here’s your pack. I wonder what cars they’ll give you.

Watch_Dogs Wal-Mart ($59.99)
The pre-order at Walmar will get you the Cyberpunk_Pack which includes a cyberpunk gun (a powerful one-handed weapon) and a cyberpunk outfit. The outfit also looks pretty dope, instead of red accents like the black viceroy outfit, everything is black. You don’t get an exclusive mission with this one…I think the Amazon one beats this one out.

Watch_Dogs Season Pass ($20.00)
Want more Watch_Dogs? This season pass is what you need because you’ll get to play as T-Bone (another hacker) and get an exclusive Untouchables pack, along with new mission, weapons, outfits, and more. You’ll be saving 25% if you buy the pass versus if you buy everything by itself.
Watch_Dogs uPlay Delux Edition (PC Only, $69.99)
This is the holy-grail of pre-orders. You get everything from above, except for the Cyberpunk stuff but you get another outfit and weapon in its place. For $70 you’ll get ALL the perks. If you’re already a PC gamer than this is a no-brainer. If you’re a console gamer, then you’re out of luck. But if you have both then I would go for the PC edition on Watch_Dogs because this is amazing.
I’m now torn between getting a console version and the PC only version. There are so many add-ons for the Deluxe edition but it’s PC only and I have a Mac…although I could use my boyfriend’s computer. Anyway, it all boils down to how you think you’ll play the game. Do you need more cash? A swankier ride? Or an awesome weapon? That’s all up to you, either or get the season pass no matter what because that’s a great bang for your buck. It’ll also expand the game-play and I also should get a PS4. Heh. Now let’s all wait like kids on Christmas eve for Santa and storm the stores on May 27, 2014. Cheers!
Update: Apparently, if you go to Brazil you can pick up your copy of Watch_Dogs now….Time to fly to Brazil!
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Watch Dogs – Watch Packs 🙂