Synopsis: The team must rescue Patterson after she embarks alone on a tattoo scavenger hunt that quickly turns to disaster. Jane has a new mission.

Rating: ?????

I’ve said a bunch of times before, that Blindspot has incredible secondary characters that it should make better use of, and I’ve also said that the tattoo story engine just kind of floats in space – it needs something character-based to ground it.

Boy howdy did I get my wish. Over the last few episodes, Blindspot has done that and then some. Specifically, this week focused on my favorite tiny cinnamon roll Patterson. She discovers that David had solved one of Jane’s tattoos on his own before he died, and set up an elaborate scavenger hunt to let her figure it out – a game for their anniversary.  Saddened by the fact that he set it all up for them, and now he won’t be there for it, David’s presence follows her for the episode, as if he were really there. Echoing her thoughts and giving her hints.

She discovers that a tattoo they’ve already solved, has an additional purpose – revealing a US Senator who’s been covering up the fact that his brother is an active serial killer. Unfortunately, Patterson doesn’t figure this part out until after she’s gone to the serial killer’s antique store, and gets herself captured.

Barefoot and bloody, she manages to escape into the snowy wilderness of upstate New York,  just as the team, who tracked her to the antique store, realizes she’s not there. They eventually piece it together though, and spread out through the woods, where Jane and Weller run into the killer and the senator, who are trying to catch and kill Patterson before she escapes and exposes them. Everyone tousles, and Patterson whacks a guy with a branch, before falling into Jane’s arms. All’s well that ends well.

Incidentally, the prototypical version of that scene would have been Patterson wheezing and crying in the snow, before Weller found her and carried her to safety, with Jane in the background. I’m so, so grateful that Patterson, even on death’s door, was the one to save them, and then she went right for Jane. Weller didn’t even get a reaction shot, now that I think of it. Hallelujah.

Speaking of secondary characters, I am so incredibly into… whatever it is Oscar is doing. The idea that Jane’s past caught up with her, and it’s not evil, but it’s also not good, is the best possible scenario. So often with this kind of story, the hero’s mysterious past is always vaguely or outright “bad”, and, as the audience, you just wait for the moment when they say something like “they’re my real family now” or “I don’t have to listen to you anymore” and leave their former life behind.

But this is not that. Jane is really and truly caught between this new team that was, at one point, literally everything she knew in the world; and the past she wants to know, and the people from it that care about her. Oscar wants her to pretend to get close to Weller, and clearly has some shady things planned, but whatever else Orion is doing, their whole thing has been to expose major corruption in world government.

Also, Jaimie Alexander and François Arnaud have CRAZY chemistry. After a little bit of accidentally sleeping together last week, this week finds them reminiscing about the past. Well, he does, and she listens. It’s bittersweet. He orders takeout and when she particularly likes it, he tells her it’s her favorite, but she can’t remember ever having it. He plays her favorite song, and she doesn’t recognize it. She asks him questions about herself and comments that he knows her so well, but she doesn’t know herself at all, while at the same time, she doesn’t know him, and isn’t really the person he knew either. 

She’s struggling with whether or not to trust him and how to reconcile her two lives, while he struggles with the fact that her “mission” requires her to be close to Weller, and that she doesn’t remember him even though they were in love. And all of that completely comes through in every shot.

Jane’s walking a very thin tightrope here, and sooner rather than later, the two worlds are going to collide. Personally, I’m so looking forward to Weller and Oscar meeting.

On the small-arc side of things, Zapata has a dude breathing down her neck for information on Mayfair, or he’ll expose Zapata’s gambling problem. She initially refuses, but when Reade finally confesses to Mayfair that he’s being threatened into finding information on Carter’s death, Zapata misreads their closed-door meeting as Mayfair dragging Reade down into her dirty business, and she agrees to help the guy on the condition that if Mayfair goes down, no one else on the team will catch any heat.

She means well, but she’s about to step in something a whole lot bigger. If any one of them pulls on this thread hard enough, they’ll find Orion and Jane will be in a spot she probably can’t get out of, no matter which side she chooses.

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