Synopsis of 6×02: While Dany is entering the unknown, Tyrion is doing the same in his own way; Bran, Arya, and Jon learn about the magic of this world and how revealing it can be to themselves and to others; the Lannisters face the fact that they are no longer in power. […]
Game of Thrones: Home Recap
Synopsis of 6×02: House Stark has a pretty good series of events, Tyrion gets fired up, and really just a bunch of small scenes and glimpses happen. Rating:★★★☆☆ UNTIL RAMSAY SO ☆☆☆☆☆ I said the Starks have a good episode for once, and I’d like to say, “Thank you finally nothing bad happens […]
Game of Thrones: The Red Woman
Synopsis of 6×01: The Game of Thrones has taken a sharp turn as characters escape their horrors, find themselves in strange new worlds, and realize that no one is safe from the game. Rating:★★☆☆☆ I won’t lie, even though there were some shocking moments in this episode, it was still weak […]
Nerdophiles Catches Up With… Game of Thrones
Last season, Game of Thrones left fans with a lot to be desired. After a relatively lackluster season, the finale ended with a lot of unknowns for the major characters of the show. Let’s catch up with the top 5 moments before the series begins again this Sunday, the 24th, […]
NYCC 2015 Highlights: Thursday
New York Comic Con 2015 kicks off on Thursday and there’s already too much to see and do! Check out our convention highlights for the day and where we might be hanging out – be sure to say hello if you see us! This will also probably be one of […]
Dinosaurs Are Coming! … in Victor Milán’s ‘The Dinosaur Lords’
The Dinosaur Lords Author: Victor Milán Release Date: July 28, 2015 Publisher: Tor Books Series: The Dinosaur Lords #1 Genre(s): Fantasy GoodReads | Amazon | BN There is one thing about Victor Milán’s upcoming book The Dinosaur Lords that really sticks out to me every time I hear someone talking about it or I read something new […]
SDCC 2015 Highlights: Friday
Friday looks like it’s going to be a big day for TV lovers and is, as always, one of the biggest days of the weekend! If you’ve still got some blank spaces in your schedule, no problem, we’ve got you covered with some of our picks both inside and outside […]
Game of Thrones: Mother’s Mercy Recap [SEASON FINALE]
Synopsis of 5×10: Arya pays the price for defying the Faceless Men, Sansa stands her ground once, and Brienne finds herself facing the object of her hatred. Meanwhile, Dany finds herself across the world in an unknown place while Cersei is rock bottom. The Wall has their usual problems. Rating: ★★★☆☆ I […]
Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons Recap
Synopsis of 5×09: The stories focused around desire this week; desire for revenge, for power, and to prove that they are the only one suited for the throne. Arya meets a familiar face in Braavos while Jon reconvenes at the Wall. Stannis proves how far he will go to be king […]
Game of Thrones: Hardhome Recap
Synopsis of 5×08: The world is quickly changing as Arya learns how to be a Faceless Man, Cersei learns that no one is coming to save her, and Sansa learns what really happened when Theon took over Winterfell. Jon learns a far more important fact though when he witnesses the true […]