Sleepy Hollow: Mama Recap

[youtube=] Sleepy Hollow: Mama (2×09) Synopsis: Abbie, Jenny, and Nick investigate a string of unusual suicides at Tarrytown Pyschiatric and the Mills sisters get a blast from the past when the discover their mother is somehow involved. Meanwhile, Katrina is forced to play mother to baby Moloch and makes a horrifying discovery. Rating: ★★★☆☆ […]

Elementary: Bella Recap

[youtube] Elementary: Bella (03×04) Synopsis: A man is murdered by Bella, a supposedly artificially intelligent computer. Sherlock and the team investigate the murder and face a dilemma when it is all said and done. Rating: ★★★★★ Person of Interest meets Elementary in this week’s episode, though not entirely in the way I would […]

Reign: Terror of the Faithful Recap

[youtube=] Reign: Terror of the Faithful (2×08) Synopsis: France continues to collapse under the weight of the brewing religious war between Catholics and Protestants, while the relationship between Mary and Francis become increasingly strained. Claude fends off a suitor, and we discover she killed her younger siblings as a child. Rating:★★★☆☆ […]