[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32Bv–3Cbf0&w=560&h=315]
Grimm: The Last Fight (04×03)
Synopsis: After Monroe and Rosalee’s wedding, the team has to rush back to Nick’s house to figure out what the hell happened to the Captain and the mysterious man Trubel ended up killing. Nick has to deal with his lack of Grimm abilities while a crazy octopus Wesen is on the loose in Portland stealing people’s memories.
Rating: ★★★★☆
This week viewers finally got to see the semi-conclusion to Trubel’s abduction. She ended up in a warehouse where the FBI Agent made an interesting proposal. After confirming Trubel was a Grimm, she offered her a position in a group that takes out “bad Wesen.” At first I thought maybe it was a faction of the Resistance, but as the agent continued to explain the group that thought seemed invalid. I think there’s another group that will be coming into play and was probably related to how this episode ended. Nonetheless, they freed Trubel without any fuss and asked her to think about being part of a special team. Oh, and she’s not allowed to tell anyone. That’s always promising.
With that scene hanging in the background, it switched to the case of the week. This week had to do with a young boxer who also happened to be a Wesen. He was a bull-type Wesen who needed to be ticked off in order to fight. The great part was that when he was ticked off, no one could beat him. It worked out in his favor, and in the favor of his manager who profited off of his abilities. The situation began when Clay, the boxer, was sitting in the locker room waiting to go into the ring. Apparently the manager had to pay men to come beat the crap out of him with baseball bats to get Clay all fired up and ready to fight.
While all of that was happening, Nick was seeing one doctor after another to try and figure out what caused his weird freak-out at the end of the previous episode. The neurologist didn’t find anything, but the ophthalmologist found something interesting. At least I found it interesting because it finally put a little bit of science behind the idea of a Grimm. According to the doctor, Nick has extra cones in his eyes which allow him to “see things other people can’t.” However, at this point in the show they are currently being blocked or distorted. Something is keeping those cones from being able to pick up sensory information and process it.
Of course we all know that it is whatever Adalind did to him. I just appreciated the fact we got a bit of the physiology behind being a Grimm. It really is genetic and not only genetic but actually provoked physiological differences.
Finally, throughout the episode we get to visit Adalind back in her dungeon cell. The mysterious man in the next cell over, who reminded me a lot of Rumplestiltskin for some reason, helped her escape. So now she is on the run once again with a questionable ally.
Moving back to the case of the week took viewers back to the boxing ring where Trubel infiltrated it under the guise of wanting to be a boxer. It turned out all of the boxers there, as well as the trainers and manager, were all Wesen of some sort. She managed to keep the fact she’s a Grimm to herself and impressed them enough to let her stick around. As part of her work she tried to befriend Clay who finally admitted that he only boxed for the money, not because he enjoyed it.
Trubel accidentally killed the boxing manager by breaking his neck and Nick told her to go tell Clay it was over. He also offered to take the fall for the man’s death, though I’m not exactly sure how he’s going to be able to explain the fact he broke the guy’s neck. Nonetheless, the most horrifying part of the episode came after the manager was out of commission. Trubel finds Clay being beaten by his mother who is insistent that he needs to go fight. Apparently his mother, who had appeared innocent all this time, was really one of the driving forces pushing him into the ring night after night.
In the end, there were men with masks looking like they were up to no good. My suspicion is that they are somehow related to the group Trubel was told about at the beginning of the episode. If that is the case, then the episode definitely came full circle and we’ll have to see what next week brings.