So we’ve come to it. The wedding we’ve all been– I wait this isn’t Joffrey’s wedding? Oh it’s Sansa’s. Ok. Well it’s the most awkward wedding we’ve ever encountered. Also, be forewarned (or I guess be thankful), this is going to be a very short review.

In King’s Landing, we’ve all gathered for Sansa Stark’s marriage to Tyrion Lannister. It’s nice to know that it’s about as awkward for Tyrion and Sansa as it is for most of us. The hilarious part about the wedding is that Sansa has no idea how lucky she is not having gone with Littlefinger yet, but for now she’ll keep playing up her front.

I don’t have much about to say the wedding, other than Olenna’s right, the family tree is about to get as twisted as a pretzel. It was kind of a douche move of Joffrey to take away the footstool from Tyrion making everyone laugh at him during his own wedding ceremony, but then again, when is Joffrey not a douchebag?

So after the ceremony, Tyrion gets pissed drunk and when it comes to carrying the bride to bed, he drunkenly threatens Joffrey and tradition is put aside. It’s nice to see Joffrey shocked a little in his life, especially since there are only two people in the world who talk back to him, his uncle and his grandfather. Loras and Cersei had a hilarious moment which I think would basically be their marriage in a nutshell.

Also I’m glad that we’ve established that Sansa Stark is probably the only woman in Westeros that doesn’t have to take off her clothes for a man.

Speaking of weddings, in the Riverlands, the Hound manages to catch Arya from dropping a rock on his head and rewards her with some knowledge. Well…maybe not rewards. But instead of taking her to King’s Landing like where she assumed she was going, she is instead going to the Twins, back to her brother and her mother. Good job, Sandor.

Meanwhile, Gendry and Melisandre make their way back to the Dragonstone, as we learn that Gendry has been brought back for sacrifice. Sir Davos manages to convince Stannis to at least take a look at what Melisandre is doing. He’s been let out of the dungeon after promising not to physically hurt her again.

They arrive in Gendry’s chambers just in time to see Melisandre yank some leeches off of Gendry’s naked body. I just feel like this episode was an episode of awkward moments, and watching Melisandre on top of Gendry was one of those moments. Especially when she made that analogy of killing a lamb without letting it see the dagger.

At the walls of Yunkai, Daenerys meets with the Second Sons captains, among them Mero, Prendahl na Ghezn, and Daario Naharis. These sellswords have been brought into parley with Dany, and also for her to convince them to join her in the battle. Unfortunately, they do not agree. Back in their camp, the captains talk and instead of meeting up with Dany on the battlefield with her Unsullied, they plan to kill her in her tent.

Daario chooses to go and upon coming up on Dany unawares in her tent, he reveals that he is no longer loyal to the Yunkai gold. He has killed his two captains and presents his heads to Dany and swears loyalty to her. My question is how Daenerys keeps getting all the men to bow to her, it’s sure as hell not just because of her dragons.

Meanwhile, in the North, we come upon Sam and Gilly making their way towards the wall. They take shelter in an abandoned shack and soon find themselves surrounded by a ton of crows. Walking outside to see what is going on, Sam sees a wight walker. Taking the dragonglass dagger he found at the Fist of the First Men, he stabs the walker effectively turning him into fine powder. Well, at least he’ll be safe now. But not from the massive crows.

I think the episode was well written, but it definitely diverged from the story telling we’ve been seeing so far. Instead of focusing on too many things, they centered on just three. I liked it, but there is just not much to say about it. The greatest parts seemed to have taken place away from Westeros, either in the North or in Essos.

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