From 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM tomorrow representatives from Sony Playstation will be on the Arizona State University Campus promoting the PS3, PS Vita, and assorted games. They held their first round of events today and will be doing pretty much the same stuff tomorrow as well. If you’re on the main Tempe campus tomorrow and have some spare time make sure you stop by and check out some of the stuff they have to offer. Just head on over to the Student Services lawn over by the MU and Gammage.

March 11 – 12: University of Oregon
March 13 – 15: Portland State University
March 18 – 19: Oregon State University
March 20 – 21: CSU San Marcos
March 25 – 26: San Diego State University
March 25 – 26: Weber State University
March 28 – 29: University of Utah
April 8 – 9: Creighton University
April 8 – 9: Utah Valley University
April 18 – 19: University of Missouri
April 22 – 23: Washington University
They have a couple big screen TVs with couches set up for people to play through the new game Playstation All-Stars. Every day at 2:00 PM they are planning on holding an impromptu tournament so if you’re around you can jump in on that. Today the winner got a copy of Metal Gear Solid: Revengeance. The time and prize might be different at other campuses but the program is pretty much the same. If you’re good at Smash Bros. it might give you a leg up. Just don’t play Nathan Drake. He doesn’t seem like he’s that great of a character for something like this. Also, PaRappa the Rapper apparently has a hard time stopping his dancing. At least according to the numerous shouts of “OMG PaRappa stop dancing!” throughout the couple hours I hung out in the Playstation tents.
If All-Stars isn’t your game you can try out the MLB The Show 13 Home Run Derby. Anyone who can beat this one kid from USC who got 40 home runs in a row will win a PS3, PS Vita, and a couple games for both systems. But good luck. The most I saw anyone get was six. I got five at the most.
They have a good eight or so PS Vitas on hand and six other PS3s that you can play various demos on. The big one they’ve got at the moment is the new God of War: Ascension game. They were pushing that one pretty hard. The same goes for Sly Cooper on both the PS3 and the PS Vita. I played Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the PS Vita but I wasn’t really a fan. It wasn’t bad and it looked great but it’s not really my kind of game. Uncharted: Golden Abyss is, though, and they had a demo for that game, too. But I have that game so.
If they are coming to your campus definitely check them out. Everyone who goes can enter to win a PS Vita (they give away 11 every week they said) and when you enter you’ll get either a pair of Playstation sunglasses or a Playstation reusable cup. I wish I had gotten the cup but hey. They’ve also got $30 vouchers for a couple PS3 bundles and the Vita 3G Bundle, $10 off a pre-order of the Last of Us (or you can put it towards a couple other games – the selection is limited to about five of them), and one for a free month of the Playstation Network Plus.
I have two $10 off codes if anyone wants to use them. Just leave a comment here and I’ll get them to you!
And if you’re at ASU come on out tomorrow and see what’s going on for yourself.
Sam, you know you want to give me one of those vouchers (; Pretty please.
You got it, dude.
May I have one of those ;), I missed out, had to work and didn’t find out about the convention till it was already late 🙁
Sending it to you in a message on Facebook! That way no one else will redeem the code before you can.
Be sure to check your ‘Other’ folder in your Facebook messages. That’s where it was sent.
All-Stars is wonderful 🙂 Surprisingly most of the highly ranked characters play as Nathan Drake. He has a couple moves that, when done repeatedly, tend to make the other characters loathe his very existence!