[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uPqSXUN3UA&feature=youtu.be] After completing The Walking Dead Escape at San Diego Comic Con, let me tell you what’s going to be in my zombie survival kit: Gatorade and kneepads. None of you warned me about the kneepads, so I’m going to be the first to say it. Wear kneepads to the […]
The Bridge: Pilot Recap
FX hit it out of the park with this adaptation of a series that was originally set on a bridge between Sweden and Denmark. By moving the series to the Mexican-American border for American viewers, it brings in all sorts of politics and cultural clashes into the mix. In the […]
Ray Donovan: Twerk Recap
At the beginning of this episode, Ray’s been gone from his house long enough for Abby to ask him what she’s supposed to tell the kids. He’s not having any of her lip though, after seeing a picture of their daughter with Mickey in part of her family tree school […]
Ray Donovan: A Mouth Is A Mouth Recap
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maxnpKE-3rk] Ray Donovan is starting to gain a footing as the next great family drama. With this episode, the LA “fixing” was better integrated into the Donovans chaotic life. The pacing is still a bit wonky, but I think they’re going to get there. The ratings also improved from the […]
Defiance: Everything is Broken Recap
This is it – the season finale of Defiance, was it everything you hoped for and more? We already know it’ll be back for season two, so there’s no sweating it there. Maybe play the game in the downtime? I’ve never tried out the videogame accompaniment myself, so I can’t […]
Ray Donovan: The Bag or the Bat Recap
As much as it pains me to say it, Ray Donovan was not the ground-breaking, mind-blowing, face-melter that I had hoped it would be. It’s well acted, with a few questionable Bawston accents, and the story seems solid, if not a bit boring. It did premiere with good numbers and […]
Netflix Free Trial: Day 30
Damn it, Netflix, you got me. Even as I write this, I’m streaming The Cabin in the Woods. It’s a movie I’ve been meaning to get around to watching, much like a lot of what Netflix is offering. When you first sign up for Netflix, you get to indicate how […]
Defiance: Past is Prologue Recap
This week opens with Mayor Amanda giving a speech about all that ex-Mayor Nicky had done for her – bringing her up from a janitor to her assistant to the replacement mayor. Datak interrupts to bring politics into the wake, noting his stance to bring the Earth Republic to Defiance […]
"World War Z": Read The Book
Ten minutes into World War Z, when the explosions start, my mom leaned over and asked me, “Who are the bad guys in this movie?” She, obviously, has not read World War Z. I’m not even sure she saw previews for it, but three or four times throughout the movie, […]
Defiance: The Bride Wore Black Recap
There’s wedding bells in the air on this week’s episode of Defiance. We’re given a look into how the Castithans throw a bachelor party and it is milder than I was expecting. They sword fight a little bit, there’s a stripper pretending to be Christie, they tell him to “pony-mount […]