Author: Felicia Day
Release Date: August 11, 2015
Publisher: Touchstone
Genre(s): Memoir
Review Spoilers: Mild
GoodReads | Amazon 

Typically, I don’t read memoirs or biographies. But there was something about this book that screamed “Take me home! You must read me!” as I browsed through the shelves of my local bookstore. Maybe it was the catchy title, or the fact it is blue (I’m going through a weird read-all-things-blue phase), or even the recognition of the name, but here I am to tell you that if there is one book you read this year about a person that is alive and is interesting, this should be the one.

Day writes this book as if she was sitting across from you at a coffee shop chatting like old friends. It’s easy, fun, and honest. She was there in the beginning days of online gaming, and really basically the internet. Her adolescent poetry about gaming is something that future generations will look back upon and call inspiring. The making of The Guild stories, the tour of her life as an awkward homeschooled kid, and letting us into the secrets of being a musical genius are all great.

But it is really the candid look at her anxiety and mental health that is refreshing. After so many weirdly happy books, posts, blogs, BuzzFeed lists about mental disorders, it is really nice to have someone admit that it isn’t so fun or quirky to battle against your own mind constantly. Day really speaks to all those who have dealt with living with anxiety, and normalizes it in a way I’ve never seen before. Truly, a great human person. We need more books like this.

Okay so, you’re not sold on it because it’s a memoir, and seems a little weird to read a book about the person who is writing the book. Totally. I get it. It kinda is. But it also gives a neat little insight in to how they work, and got to be the situationally recognizable person they are today.  The style is conversational, sprinkled with fun inspirational comments like “You can attempt anything,” and actual real life pictures. It’s really more like reading a normal book than a boring old biography. Bonus points, there are parts when I actually, embarrassingly laughed out loud.

The book over all is inspiring. Not only for the weird girls who are more into comics and games than makeup and other stereotypical girl things, but for all people. Day makes achieving your goals seem like a quest that can actually be completed. Plus, not to be redundant, it’s like reading a book by your new bff. This is one of those books you read and then immediately want to tell everyone in your inner circle to read.

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