Synopsis for 1×06: The group is finally reunited and we begin to see them embrace the “new normal” of the apocalypse just in time for the season to end.

Rating: ★★★★☆

After last week’s reveal, Travis and Maddy have reverted back to their original plan of heading east. When Alicia and Chris catch up to them, after witnessing the military pull out of the neighborhood, they’re told to pack a bag so that they can pick up Nick and Liza on the way out of town.

Daniel is with Adams, the solider that they initially tortured the information out of, and he wants to kill him, but Travis argues against it – saying that they need to bring him along to the compound to help them navigate it. Maddy decides he can ride in the truck with Travis if he feels so strongly about it. Travis asks her if she’s ashamed that the kids will see what she and Daniel did, her counter is that if it were Chris instead of Nick, he would’ve done anything to protect him.

Nothing good will come from this. [AMC]
Nothing good will come from this. [AMC]
Having given up that battle, Daniel has a heart to heart with Ofelia, who is also concerned for her soldier boyfriend’s safety. She’s upset at him for lying to her for her entire life, but he was only trying to protect her. At least this time he doesn’t think he’s telling her a lie when he says that Adams is coming with them.

As they circle the wagons and prepare to depart – which no one seems to notice even though they aren’t allowed to drive at night – Ofelia doesn’t lose any sleep over not warning the neighbors of what’s to come. Meanwhile, Adams talks Travis out of taking him with them because Daniel is going to kill him at the end of the journey regardless. Like a sucker, he falls for it. On their way out of town, no one stops them at the gate and they leave it open as they go.

At the compound, Dr. Exner announces that Edwards Airforce Base has room and they’re packing up to go mobile. Unfortunately, before the helicopter lands, Daniel approaches the gate and tells the soldiers to save their ammunition as the entire herd from the stadium ambles after him. It’s only when he gets back to the group that he realizes what Travis did, but without time to dwell on it they leave Alicia and Chris with the cars while they go to rescue the rest of the group.

Thanks Daniel! [AMC]
Thanks Daniel! [AMC]
With chaos going on above them, Strand thinks this is the perfect distraction for him to escape with Nick. When he tries to find the key in his pockets, Nick reveals that he’d pickpocketed him earlier. They walk out of their cage easily and opt to leave behind everyone else.

Dr. Exner can’t do anything as the helicopter turns away after witnessing the breach. She tells the rest of her staff to go downstairs to the transport and get out of here. She tells Liza that if no one went for her son, they never will and it’s time to go. Liza leaves as Dr. Exner begins turning off the machines and giving her patients a merciful death.

Alicia and Chris, who were left alone to guard the cars, notice shadows in the parking garage and are forced to hide in the car. It turns out that it’s not walkers, but soldiers who want the keys to the vehicle to get out. They beat up Chris and get the keys from Alicia, leaving them there in the garage.

Goodbye Dr. Exner. [AMC]
Goodbye Dr. Exner. [AMC]
Outside with the transport, Liza is witness to what’s going on at ground level and we get our first prolonged look at society going to shit. The gate falls, soldiers get attacked, Liza rejects her chance out and instead heads back into the building.

Strand and Nick are proceeding calmly through the building when they come upon Melvin, the soldier that Strand was trading with previously. He’s being eaten alive and Strand does nothing to help him as they run from approaching zombies.

Travis, Maddy, Daniel, and Ofelia find the cages that Nick and Strand escaped from and actually do release a few of the people so that they can help themselves escape (or become walkers too) before continuing on. They run into Strand and Nick stuck on the other side of a keyed door and Liza magically appears to open the door just in time. Everyone’s reunited!

Thanks Liza! [AMC]
Thanks Liza! [AMC]
They run through the kitchen, where they’re attacked by walkers and finally actually kill a few to save themselves, and accept Strand pretty readily. Liza breaks the news to Daniel and Ofelia about his wife, which upsets Ofelia. They end up back downstairs with Dr. Exner, who has given up. It’s basically the CDC doctor all over again and the group gives up on her entirely too quickly for her being a doctor in the apocalypse.

When they do finally get out of the compound, it’s morning and they walk past the pile of burnt bodies of civilians. Alicia and Chris run out of the stairwell and everyone is briefly happy until the soldier Travis let go catches up to them. In a tense stand-off, he ends up shooting Ofelia instead of Daniel and then Travis beats him to death.

The group piles into the cars and head west at Strand’s insistence, eventually ending up at his ritzy establishment – so fancy, in fact, that a generator keeps the alarm system and gates activated. Maddy and Nick have a heart to heart where she apologizes and he thinks everyone is catching up to how he’s been living.

This happened... [AMC]
This happened… [AMC]
Liza informs Daniel that Ofelia will survive her gunshot wound before Maddy follows her out of the house after watching her hug Chris and telling him she loves him. It turns out that Liza was bitten and she needs Maddy to make good on the promise that Maddy had her make earlier. But Travis interrupts and ultimately decides he has to be the one to pull the trigger regardless. Chris and Alicia run to see the aftermath and it’s a sad family affair.

Meanwhile, Strand is packing a bag and reveals to Nick that none of them can actually stay at the house. He uses binoculars to show Nick Abigail, a giant yacht anchored off the shoreline. And that’s a wrap for season one of Fear The Walking Dead.

And then this happened. [AMC]
And then this happened. [AMC]
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