Today the world was informed that Sir Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld series, passed away at age 66 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s and an infection. His Twitter feed had a fitting and somber announcement of his passing that he would be proud of.

Not only am I a fan of Discworld, the legacy of which will be carried on by his daughter, but a lot of Sir Terry Pratchett’s other works. His collaboration with Neil Gaiman on the infamous Good Omens will always be one of my favorite testaments to Sir Terry Pratchett’s good humor and childlike sense of fun. His literature will live on to captivate audiences for years to come even though his time as a writer has come to an end.

He has left a legacy. The beautiful thing about being a writer is that though death may finally take you, you can continue to live on in the hearts and minds of your readers. May Sir Terry Pratchett rest in peace, may his family find comfort in his legacy, and may readers for years to come find themselves captivated as they lose themselves in the wonderful worlds he’s created.

Rest well, Sir Terry Pratchett. We’ll have a drink of brandy in your honor.

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